Karen Hammonds

Relationships Are More Important Than Transactions

You may have noticed that many real estate agents take a transactional approach to sales—identifying clients, closing the deal, and then moving on to the next one. I choose not to work that way because I believe you deserve more from the professional you decide to work with. That is why I work by referral.

Since my primary source of new business is referrals from people who know and trust me, I

don’t have to spend precious time prospecting and promoting myself. I can dedicate myself fully to the activities that benefit you most, and always deliver truly exceptional service.

When you come across an opportunity, I appreciate you referring me to great people like yourself, who would benefit from the excellent service and personal attention I provide.

I devote myself to serving the needs of my clients before, during and after each sale.

I hope you will turn to me for help with any of your real-estate-related needs because it is such a privilege to work exclusively with people like you who I admire and respect, and who value the service I provide.

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